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【JWF News Vol. 225】15 February 2023 Report on follow-up observations of Darvish Yu Water Fund projects

JWF News ❘ 15 February 2023
◇ Contents ◇
・Announcement from the Japan Water Forum
 - Join us! [19th February 2023] 9th International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM9) APWF for the special session
・Report from the Japan Water Forum
 - Report on follow-up observations of Darvish Yu Water Fund projects
・Announcement from the Japan Water Forum

– Join us! [19th February 2023] 9th International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM9) APWF for the special session

 The objectives of this special event are to examine flood controls in science and technologies, governance, and finance, as part of the follow-up of the Kumamoto Declaration of the 4th APWS. It aims to summarize the challenges and opportunities in Asia to promote river basin management toward disaster resilience and sustainability by all. It also seeks to share the pathways to remove hurdles, innovate solutions, and forge cooperation by sharing the good practices to facilitate the HSG’s informed decision-making toward the UN Water Conference 2023 and the 10th World Water Forum.

Date and Time: 19th February 15:00- 16:30 (Japan Time)
*You can watch LIVE online. Register for FREE.
Lead organizer: APWF Secretariat c/o Japan Water Forum
Special Cooperation from the UNESCO IHP Asia-Pacific Regional Steering Committee

▼Please visit the following website for details▼

(Reported by Yumiko Asayama, Chief Manager, Japan Water Forum)

・Announcement from the Japan Water Forum

– Report on follow-up observations of Darvish Yu Water Fund projects

So far, the Darvish Yu Water Fund has implemented 15 projects with the contribution of Darvish Yu and others. We have made follow-up observations with our local partners in order to understand the current and changing situations at two of our project sites. At both sites, No. 11 (Thailand, 2017) and No. 12 (Pakistan, 2018), we confirmed that the facilities constructed with the Fund’s support are still working well and are being properly maintained and managed by the beneficiaries. In addition to an improvement in water and sanitation conditions at the project sites, the learning environment for students has also improved. The beneficiaries again expressed their gratitude for the Water Fund’s support.

We would like to thank Mr. Darvish, all of our donors, local partner organizations, residents of the target areas, and the many others who have contributed to the Fund.

▼Please visit the following website for details▼

(Reported by TABATA Miyo, Manager)

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JWF News Vol. 225/ 15 February 2023
Japan Water Forum
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